[new] Stringjoy / SAG6EL 6strings A.Guitar Extra Light [Yokohama]

Regular price $12.00

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Stringjoy is a Nashville-based manufacturer that produces a small number of elite, high-quality guitar strings.

Although not well known in Japan, Stringjoy is highly trusted and popular with professional musicians in the USA.

Stringjoy strings are handmade, and the entire production process involves human hands and strict quality control.
This means that there is a very low probability of so-called "bad strings" being mixed in, and only the best quality strings are packaged.

Stringjoy strings are made of high carbon HEX cores wrapped with the finest American nickel and are characterised by a good sense of balance that is neither too bright nor too mellow.

High frequencies are subdued, as is the handwound nature of the sound.
The overtones from the low end to the middle are very rich and beautiful, and the individual strings are well-defined, giving an excellent sense of chord separation.

The response to picking is very straightforward and the range of control is very wide, which is one of its main characteristics.

The Stringjoy is also carefully handmade from high-quality materials and has a silky feel.
Smooth playability will be a reassuring friend to many guitarists.

Stringjoy is made from the finest materials and built with the right craftsmanship.

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