[new] Ashdown / GEEZER BUTLER PEDAL OF DOOM [Yokohama]

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Ashdown is a British amplifier brand with a long history.
With its roots in Trace Elliot, it aims to deliver higher quality at a better price.
Artists such as Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Foo Fighters and The Who are known to use Ashdown.

We have now become their importer and distributor and will be rolling out many of their products.
In fact, they have such a reputation for producing effects pedals that we have ordered most of their line-up for our first deal.

Their effects pedals are used by many musicians.
Musicians such as John Myung (Dream Theater) and Stuart Zender (Jamiroquai) are well-known enthusiasts of Ashdown effects pedals.

This model is the signature model of Black Sabbath bassist Geezer Butler.
Developed at his request, it is a simpler way to reproduce the great sound of Black Sabbath's recordings.

The distinctive feature is the two independent EQs.
BASS, LO MID and HI MID are provided for each channel and can be switched by footswitch.
TREBLE is common.

This preamp section creates the basic tone and can be switched freely according to technique or song.

The distortion section, called DOOM, is the perfect accompaniment to this.
This is controlled by the DOOM and DOOM VOL and is characterised by a deep, edgy distortion sound.

The power supply can be 9-18V, with 18V having a less compressive character.
It's fascinating to be able to select this area to your liking.

The VU meter is good for monitoring input and output and is very useful for adjusting gain.
There is also a built-in LED light here to identify when Drive 1 and 2 are on or off.

A DI out is included, as this is intended to be the foundation of the system.

With this pedal in hand, Geezer says: "this is without a doubt the best sounding and engineered pedal I have ever played and with my amp it truly has the sound of doom I live for Without a doubt, this is the best sounding and engineered pedal I have ever played and with my amp it truly has the sound of doom I live for. When combined with my amp it truly has the sound of doom I live for."). The sound of the pedal is very good," he says.


Power Requirement - 9-18v External Power Supply Centre Pin Negative
EQ - 4-band EQ, bass, low-mid, hi-mid and treble
H x W x D (mm) - 60 x 180 x 120
Weight (kg) - 1.2

OUTPUT: Final output level adjustment.
BASS/ LO MID / HI MID for Channel 1 (left side): 3-band EQ applied when EQ Channel 1.
BASS/ LO MID / HI MID for Channel 2 (right side): 3-band EQ applied to EQ channel 2.
TREBLE: High frequency adjustment common to EQ channels 1 and 2.
DOOM: Adjusts the amount of drive.
DOOM VOL: Adjusts the output level when the DOOM switch is turned on.
EQ1/2 SWITCH: Switch between EQ channels 1 and 2
DOOM SWITCH: Turns on/off the DOOM channel

Text : Shunsuke Saga

Inspection : Shunsuke Saga

Comes with manufacturer's warranty

Ships in a sturdy cardboard box.
International shipping is also available.

Contact Info

LINE : vwj2699r
email : info@bassick.jp
tel : 045 534 7133