[NEW] DARKGLASS / EXPONENT 500 [Yokohama store]

Regular price $1,206.00

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Dark glass is a Basseffector from Finland, AMPLIFIER brand.
In recent years, many professional proesists who have been worldwide have acquired worldwide popularity.

Originally, the popularity of Effector was very high, but in recent years, powerful and powerful head Amplifiers are also powerful and popular.

The unique point is a collaboration with the application called Darkglass Suite.
By linking with this, various Effector, EQ, cabinet simulator etc. will be available.

Up to eight effollectors can be used simultaneously, combining them, creating five presets, and registered in the AMPLIFIER body.
A completely new concept amplifier that switches the preset with a physical button and issues a sound.

The original sound itself is very clean and natural.
The new sound that has been dealings is more faithfully transmitted to the air.

The five controls A, B, C, D, E are installed in AMPLIFIER, but these are controls for EQ and preset effects by default.
In fact, you can use Dakglass Suite to apply to a free function.

Power is 500W, weight is only 1.65 kg and lightweight Amplifier.
Size is 21 x 17.5 x 6 cm.

There are also many I / O terminals.

· Effects Send
· Effects Return
· Headphone Output

It also supports Bluetooth, and it is possible to skip the sound source and monitor it with a headphone.
It can also be used as an audio interface.

A GUITAR processor like Helix and Quad Cortex has recently been popular, but it's an impression that you have attached power amplifiers.
With this, the root of the sound creation will change 180 °.

If you become a first penguin, these products are good.

Manufacturer guarantee


It ships in a sturdy cardboard box.
It also supports shipping for overseas.
Will Be Packed with Hard Cardboard Box.
We do not ship internationally.

Contact info

Email: info@bassick.jp
Tel: 045 548 6661