Telecaster is a new appearance in the popular Roosed Maple Series.
Roosed Maple Neck is artificially grilled maple neck as its name.
This loosted maple is artificially closer to the stability of wood that the neck was obtained when the neck changes.
It looks cool and cool than normal maples and cool.
It is BTE-2 that became the basis of this work.
P-90 is installed at the front, and the sound is characteristic of the thick roamid than the general telecaster. The modern looks is also very cool.
This price was made with this.
Honestly surprise. As expected Bacchus products.
E½¦ We arrange goods. Arrival around 5/18
If you order with other products simultaneously, the newest product will be shipped as soon as the product is in stock.
Please feel free to contact us if you have a delivery date or a question.
It ships in a sturdy cardboard box.
It also supports shipping for overseas.
Will Be Packed with Hard Cardboard Box.
We do not ship internationally.
Contact info
Email: saga@villagegreen.jp
Tel: 045 548 6661